ALS is now on Vangin
If you become unemployed, it is now even easier and safer to manage your affairs with ALS, as we are now on the online platform Vangin, where several other providers also offer their services.
We have been working for some time to develop some of our self-service solutions on Vangin, and now the goal has been reached. In the first phase, there are three self-service options:
- Apply for unemployment benefits
- Confirm unemployment
- Report changes
On Vangin, our clients also gain easier access to their information. For example, they can see how far the processing of a potential application has progressed, who their caseworker is, all the documents related to their case, which documents may be missing, and when these must be submitted to ALS. They can also see when the next payment will be made and how much the payment is, as well as receive reminders on when to confirm unemployment, just to name a few examples.
It is important for us to keep up with digital development so that we can offer our clients a modern, secure, and fast service, where they have the opportunity to manage their affairs at any time of the day.
The self-service system on Vangin is already active, and the old self-service system will close on October 19.
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- ALS is now on Vangin 16.09.2024
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- Summarfrí: Avgreiðslan stongd 15. juli - 2. august 25.06.2024
- Minst til at fráboða feriu 11.06.2024
- ALS-gjaldið lækkaði 1. januar 28.12.2023
- Upplatingartíðir um jólini 15.12.2023
- Summarfrí: Avgreiðslan stongd 17. juli - 4. august 07.07.2023
- Minst til at fráboða feriu 19.06.2023
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- Upplatingartíðir um jólini 19.12.2022
- Metlágt arbeiðsloysi 05.09.2022
- Summarfrí: Avgreiðslan stongd 18. juli - 5. august 14.07.2022
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- Upplatingartíðir um jólini 15.12.2021
- Summarfrí: Avgreiðslan stongd 19. juli - 6. august 05.07.2021
- Skrivstovan í Saltangará letur aftur 16.02.2021
- Útgjaldið verður á kontu í morgin, 3. februar 02.02.2021
- FV-stuðulin á kontu 23. desember 14.12.2020
- Útgjaldið úr ALS hækkar 11.12.2020
- Upplatingartíðir um jólini 08.12.2020
- ALS samskiftir umvegis Mínboks 02.12.2020
- We are Temporarely Closed due to the Coronavirus 07.08.2020
- Avgreiðslan stongd fyribils vegna koronavirus 07.08.2020
- Summarfrí: Avgreiðslan stongd 13. juli - 31. juli 06.07.2020